The series of Resident Evil represents the evils of mega Corporations. These corporations care nothing about the lives of individuals, but instead the underlying greed and corruption of power. In this series, the Umbrella Corporation has manufactured a virus to make super bio-weapons, that turning people into super powerful zombie soldiers. In the series, this greed is seen in the motto “Obedience brings discipline, discipline brings unity, and unity brings power. Power is life.” Similarities can easily be seen between the Umbrella Corporation and the pharmaceutical corporations in the world today. Where drugs and viruses are tested on test subjects hidden away from the public eyes, and the laboratories are spread around the world. Theories abound that both private industry and the government is involved in experimentation on the public. The atomic tests in Nevada, and the viruses spread in the New York subways. To the government and these mega corporations, the people are a means to power, control the people and you control the power.
life savers or criminals
interested in your health or money
safe and effective?
guns or drugs?
Just because you may be paranoid, does not mean they are not out to get you! |
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